Monday, July 28, 2008

Sleeping Day

Finished my 3 days of night shift and this round of night duty was totally crazy! There was this patient's daughter, who accompanied the patient during my whole night shift for the 3 days, she is totally MAD! Yes, i mean she's really MAD!!! By right she was not supposed to stay in the ward after visiting hours, but she said that she must stay back and take care of her mum, she claims that if she is not around, nobody will take good care of her mum and she cannot see what the nurses are 'doing' to her mum, as if the nurses are going to murder her mum!!! If you don't trust us, send your mum to other hospital!

So, it was ok if she really insisted to stay since we couldn't 'chase' her out, but if you see what she did to her mum, you will definitely think that she is insane!!! Her mum admitted due to urinary tract infection and i seriously think that her mum got this infection was because of her! She changed her mum diapers and she is not hygienic, i wonder if she washed her hands before touching her mum private part during cleaning, advised her to use gloves but she said "I know what to do!"... She won't let us do the cleaning coz she insisted to do things in her way!

During my 2nd night, this patient threw fit 3 times in a short period of time... When the patient was fitting, she jumped onto her mum's bed and kept on rubbing her mum's hands and legs and she shouted that nobody want to help her, me and my colleague were there and she refused us to do what is supposed to do when someone is throwing fit, she just kept on moving, pulling, pushing and shaking her mum's body vigorously! When someone is fitting, we are not supposed to 'disturb', we should place the person in a lateral position and observe the nature and duration of the fit... when the fit stopped, she claimed that her mum couldn't breathe properly and she forced her mum's mouth to open by her fingers, we told her that she might injure her mum but she refused to stop and she even tried to blow air into her mum's mouth! Come on, you think you are a CPR instructor??? OMG, she was not helping her mum at all but hurting her!! We checked her mum's oxygen saturation and assured her that her mum was obviously 'able to breathe' but she just can't seem to understand! i felt so sick when i looked at what she did to her mum! Felt so sorry for her mum! We know she loves her mum very much but she didn't do the correct thing to love her mum!

She is also very particular about her mum's position on bed... she would make sure her mum is lying in the centre of the bed, she would shift and shift, adjust and adjust her mum's position, and even jumped onto the bed and checked that her mum's body is in the centre, not allowing even 1cm to the left side or right side of the bed! This is so ridiculous!

Every 5 or 10 mins she would come forward and disturb me, asking silly questions or asking me to do silly things... She didn't approach my colleague coz she knew that my colleague didn't like her so she would only look for me since i was so 'kind' to her! WTF! i didn't want any complains so i got no choice but to attend to her! You think i only look after your mum ONLY? i got 17 other patients to take care ok?

i'm so irritated! You might be thinking it's not right to bad-mouth about her but i really can't help it!

i know i'm bad :p


Anonymous said...

What a pain. You shouls have kicked her out by force. Your job sounds so hard. You're a nurse right?

You deserve a good night sleep.

cAmOuFLagE said...

Yup,it's damn stressful to work as a nurse in Singapore!! Going to work is like going to hell for me! Sigh...

CinCinnati said...

I know what u mean COMPLETELY. I tried to sit her down to explain to her what is fits, she refused to budge. I tried to talk to her but she just said she had a headache and left to the pharmacy to buy panadol. Wahh. I was super pissed off with her also. She's really psycho laa... I told Dr C to refer her to psy that day lor.. Argh.

If only we can add some haloperidol 20mg (MWAHAHA.) into her food and make her eat. Hurhur.

cAmOuFLagE said...

Ya, usually during the day and afternoon she's quite 'ok' but during the night she is totally different! Luckily my night shifts ended, it was nightmare to me!