Wednesday, July 30, 2008
October, please come now!
Today there were so many people came to my ward, the visitors, big sister, educator... and so many mistakes were found... Anyway it was everybody's mistakes so i can't be bothered when sisters 'scolded' us... What really bothers me was, when sister said about many staff requested to keep PH for national day and one shot requested 'PH, Rest Day, Day Off' for Friday to Sunday... i was thinking if i never request for Day off on Saturday or Sunday, i know i WILL NOT get it for sure... Usually i don't request Day Off on weekends and true enough i don't get any Rest Day on weekends unless they schedule my nite shifts from Monday to Thursday then i will get Saturday and Sunday off... but i realize that some people still get their Rest Day on weekends even though they never request... it's fine if it's once in a blue moon but how come for me i don't get my Day Off on weekends once in a blue moon? Anyway, i just think that's a bit unfair, that's all...
Got our bonus this month and it was more than last year's bonus which is really nice! i bet most of the people already spent a bit by using their bonus but so far i havent touched mine yet... LOL! Actually i wanted to buy a Gucci wallet and i've seen a few designs that i like but i don't think i will be getting it... Sigh, i wanna buy but i wanna save money too... i got so many things to buy! Ya, i'm talkin about dollies! Haha! Well, the main reason that i want to make myself to 'save money' for now is that i'm planning to 'spend money' during my upcoming Taiwan trip! LOL! i think i won't be able to 'stop' when i go there coz it's really been a long time since i buy anything for myself... i've been buying things for dollies only for this 8mths...
Will be doing morning shift again tomorrow... damn tiring! can't wait to finish work tomorrow coz i will be off on Friday and Saturday ( yes, this time i got Saturday off coz i didn't get my off day after sleeping day! ) !
Monday, July 28, 2008
Sleeping Day
So, it was ok if she really insisted to stay since we couldn't 'chase' her out, but if you see what she did to her mum, you will definitely think that she is insane!!! Her mum admitted due to urinary tract infection and i seriously think that her mum got this infection was because of her! She changed her mum diapers and she is not hygienic, i wonder if she washed her hands before touching her mum private part during cleaning, advised her to use gloves but she said "I know what to do!"... She won't let us do the cleaning coz she insisted to do things in her way!
During my 2nd night, this patient threw fit 3 times in a short period of time... When the patient was fitting, she jumped onto her mum's bed and kept on rubbing her mum's hands and legs and she shouted that nobody want to help her, me and my colleague were there and she refused us to do what is supposed to do when someone is throwing fit, she just kept on moving, pulling, pushing and shaking her mum's body vigorously! When someone is fitting, we are not supposed to 'disturb', we should place the person in a lateral position and observe the nature and duration of the fit... when the fit stopped, she claimed that her mum couldn't breathe properly and she forced her mum's mouth to open by her fingers, we told her that she might injure her mum but she refused to stop and she even tried to blow air into her mum's mouth! Come on, you think you are a CPR instructor??? OMG, she was not helping her mum at all but hurting her!! We checked her mum's oxygen saturation and assured her that her mum was obviously 'able to breathe' but she just can't seem to understand! i felt so sick when i looked at what she did to her mum! Felt so sorry for her mum! We know she loves her mum very much but she didn't do the correct thing to love her mum!
She is also very particular about her mum's position on bed... she would make sure her mum is lying in the centre of the bed, she would shift and shift, adjust and adjust her mum's position, and even jumped onto the bed and checked that her mum's body is in the centre, not allowing even 1cm to the left side or right side of the bed! This is so ridiculous!
Every 5 or 10 mins she would come forward and disturb me, asking silly questions or asking me to do silly things... She didn't approach my colleague coz she knew that my colleague didn't like her so she would only look for me since i was so 'kind' to her! WTF! i didn't want any complains so i got no choice but to attend to her! You think i only look after your mum ONLY? i got 17 other patients to take care ok?
i'm so irritated! You might be thinking it's not right to bad-mouth about her but i really can't help it!
i know i'm bad :p
Friday, July 25, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Dollie Gathering at Hort Park 19 July 2008
This time we had more people joining... it's really nice to have a bigger group coz we can know more new friends and dollies as well!
Hort Park is really a nice place to take photos! Nice scenery and many beautiful/interesting spots for photoshooting! Yesterday's bad weather spoiled our mood! If it didn't rain, we could take a lot of nice pics! Sigh :(
Anyway, here are the pics...
Check out my Flickr for more photos :)
Hmm... time flies... my one week of leave just gone like this...i'm gonna go back to work tomorrow! Sigh~ i guess my most happiest day during my this leave period was yesterday !
Looking forward for the next gathering!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Photoshoot without dollies!
i saw a lion but i was not in a zoo! Heee :P
But who knows this little thing was in a process of preparing to...
Oh my goodness, i didn't expect it to happen! Yucks~! LOL! It happened real fast and i asked my mum was that sh*t or what but my mum said it was 'something else' that dropped off from its body! Wahaha! i thought so until i saw it after i uploaded it to my com then i realize it was not 'something else'! Lucky or what? LOL! i should tell my mum!
"Phew!I'm done!"
Ok, enough of craps! 2 more pics here^
Rusty and old.... i used to come here and play when i was very young...
For more clearer pics, check out my Flickr :)
Thursday, July 17, 2008
i quickly dig out all these Pound Puppies to keep her company... if not, she would hate me and refuse to go back to JB with me next time! Haha!
Bought my favourite magazine yesterday... it's been a long time since i last bought... i like to look at the pretty girls inside... haha! this is not the latest issue but does it matter? of course not! coz those japanese people are always so stylish, their style is not going to be out of date forever!
Besides looking at the pretty girls, i also like the part where they teach you on make-up tips... but i never tried out what they teach there... no wonder i don't look good like them! LOL :P that's the reason why i do not dare to take pic of myself anymore!! Argh!
Hmm... enough of that...
i guess i should focus on this kind of mags instead... more educational... haha! actually i'm lazy to read, i just look at the pics only.... there are really nice photos which were taken by different kind of cameras, so pro! i wish my photo will be featured in the mag one day too! LOL!
Ok, stop dreaming! Wake up!!!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
The jap 'ah-beng'!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Happy Holidays!
My favourite mushroom soup... simple but delicious!
Hawaiian Chicken Pizza, my favourite, i like the pineapple toppings^^
Another pizza... i forgot its name..haha.. Yummy~
A random shot... Argh! How can i forget this building's name?! LOL :P
Home sweet home! i miss my bed!! It's a very old bed but it's MY beloved bed~!
Another random shot taken outside of my house... i used my dad's filters to take this pic and my bed's pic, they are different filters that create different effect to the pics... anyway, they were just taken for fun..... i still have a few filters to play with... heehee :p
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
Can't wait...
Work sucks... our duty suppose to end at 3.15pm for morning shift but everytime reach home at about 5pm becoz work not finished ( no lunch break, not even toilet break! ) or we got to stay back for some stupid reasons such as attending talks/seminar..... haiz... for those who stay far away from AH, by the time they reach home, it's already 6pm, as if we are working 12 hour shift! Work like hell but no extra allowance (OT) and not even encouragement from supervisors, only scolding/nagging.... Nobody understand how we feel unless you come and work with me ! Damn tiring... i really got nothing to say... i can't wait for the BIG day... the day when i can leave AH for good!
3 more months and .... i'll be FREE!!!
Mean while i'm looking forward for my annual leave next week! Even though it's only a week , it's still better than nothing... after i come back from leave, some stupid audit will start... stress again! :(
Anyway, i need to enjoy my day off tomorrow, i'll not be doing anything special but i will do some photo-shooting with my dear DSLR... heehee :P
Thursday, July 3, 2008
My 2 new dolls~!
i don't think i would dress up in the gothic lolita style but i'm glad that at least i 've got punk and gothic dollies! heehee :p
This is Risa~ She's so beautiful! The more i look at her the more i find her beautiful^^