Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Attitude problem?

i had a hard time dealing with one of my patient's daughter.this patient actually just discharged from my ward not long ago and all our ward staff know that this relative need 'TLC' but so far i didn't have a 'chance' to talk to this relative when the patient was in my ward.finally i had my 'chance'...well,i guess she doesn't have any medical or nursing background but she's just not a simple person.i know she is concern about her father's condition but it doesn't mean that she can anyhow 'complain' about us.her father which is my patient,admitted from emergency dept to my ward with a intravenous plug on his right hand. during team doctors round in the morning,consultant ordered to off drip and off that moment patient was quite OK with no fever but he developed fever in the late team doctors decided to start intravenous antibiotic for the patient, tat means need to insert another new iv plug for the patient. in the evening the patient's daughter came to visit her father and found out that patient has a new iv plug. she was very angry and asked me why we remove the old one.i explained to her but she was not satisfied.she wanted to speak to the consultant but in my hospital normally the consultant won't call relative personally,only the house officer or medical officer will call patients' relative.she even said that the doctors sound sarcastic when they talk to that my fault? i'm only a nurse,a nurse that carries out doctors' orders. why do you want to make my work so difficult?

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